June 16, 2013


dl1961vero modacat eyeleather trousersgrey teehow to wear leather trousersgold jewellery
I've been searching for the perfect grey tee all my life. Honestly, the simplest things are the hardest to find. After searching far and wide, I finally found this right under my nose: Vero Moda on ASOS, in the exact shade of grey I was going for.

I've been searching for the perfect Leather trousers all my life. This search was complicated by the fact that one of my requirements was affordability. I knew all along the pair that my heart desired: J Brand Super Skinnies (they fit like a second skin). But, at $895, I had to find an alternative. I searched EVERYWHERE. Every single website that you can imagine. These All Saints trousers would have been ideal. But, they were low rise. So low rise, that they did not cover half my bum! I'm not sure there's anything I hate more than low-rise jeans. Why do they even exist?!

I finally settled on a pair of DL1961 leathers from Shopbop as they were on sale, and are now even further reduced. Even though I didn't want Gold Hardware (what happens when I need to wear silver?), I just wanted my search to be over. My trousers finally arrived and even though I love them, they are too big (did you notice my Camel Toe, please forgive). For me, if I don't have to squeeze into jeans (jumping jacks and all), then they are too big. Due to logistics, I can't return them so I just have to make do! They are beautiful, I just wish that they fit like a glove.

So, yeah, my two wardrobe basics: Grey Tee and Leather Trousers. Everything else is secondary.

Vero Moda Tee, DL1961 Trousers from ShopBop, Zara Heels (similar), Vintage Belt, ASOS sunglasses (similar).

12 thoughts on “Basics”

  1. Daniella says:

    The simple pieces are definitely always the hardest to find but it looks like you found the perfect grey tee! Congrats 😀 Those trousers are pretty amazing my dear, you look so chic 🙂

    Take care,
    Daniella xox

    1. Fisayo Longe says:

      Thank you love 🙂

  2. Bunmi says:

    As usual you look amazing! Who does your hair? It’s always so well cut and stunning.x

    1. Fisayo Longe says:

      Hi Bunmi, thank you! My hair stylist- email me if you’d like details. x

  3. Allison says:

    You look amazing. I absolutely love your blog your defiantly one of my fave style inspirations, every look is flawless and so well put together

    1. Fisayo Longe says:

      Thank you Allison, so sweet 🙂 xx

  4. Mustek says:

    Hi I like these leather pants.
    Could you post other photos?
    thank’s a lot

  5. Grace says:

    Hi Fisayo,

    I just noticed how gorgeous your bracelet is. Where is it from ?


    1. Fisayo Longe says:

      ASOS! I lost it 🙁

  6. Love Kyei says:

    Perfectly casual, yet chic!

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