ASOS top, ASOS shorts, Catarzi Hat, Louboutin heels (substitute)
WORK SHORTS. Having a full-time job, being at university, keeping up and trying to grow a fashion and travel blog and working on the launch of a second blog (details to be released soon!) sometimes feels borderline ridiculous.
Whenever I have a minute to relax, I feel like I need to be doing something. I can't even watch a TV show anymore without doing something else at the same time! But at the end of the day, I love blogging and Grace's comment (sweetheart, you made my day) on my last post made it all worth it: "you work so hard you make it look so easy.. love love your blog". Ahh, Mission accomplished.
On days when I haven't had enough sleep and work is the last place I want to be, I like to look cute to make myself feel better. I've been obsessed with wearing shorts to work since the beginning of summer. So, when I put this outfit together weeks ago, I was like: Shorts to work without losing my job. Cool, no? Mission Accomplished.
P.S As I asked on my twitter and facebook, are you guys doing the whole pink coat thing or is it too mainstream? I'm really tempted. My friend replied 'Not all mainstream trends are bad'. Honey, I agree!
P.P.S Thank you for reading and for the fact that I'm not just talking to myself!