ASOS Dress, Balenciaga Boots, Chanel Boy
TUILERIES BIRD WATCHER. One of my favourite travel quotes reads: 'Bizarre travel plans are dancing lessons from God'. When bizarre things happen that aren't even planned, I think it would be appropriate to jump on the subject of the moment and call them twerking lessons. Typically, there's nothing awfully bizarre about feeding pigeons. It's gross though. I mean, I could do it round the corner at Trafalgar Square if I really felt so inclined.
But, the fact of the matter is that I do not like pigeons. I avoid pigeons like a plague in London and I would never on my wildest day let a pigeon perch on my arm. But, take me to Paris and I find something sweet and romantic about calling and feeding birds in the Tuileries. I wonder what it's called: this ability to see beauty in everything, everywhere apart from home.