MICHELLE & JENNY: A LOVE STORY. This is the first campaign in a while that has really made an impression on me. I love the styling, the direction, the models and the clothes. Michelle Harper and Jenny Shimizu were the perfect models for such unique pieces. They are both such individuals and they completely own it and just exude the most confidence.
Even amidst a variety of colours, patterns, graphics and textures there is a feeling of serenity and a peaceful ambience in this campaign. It is fabulous, it is right and it is perfect to embrace yourself, your love and your style regardless of whether it is the status quo or not. Believe in yourself and do you- that has and will always be the most important thing in life.
I will use this opportunity to express my disappointment in the homophobic laws recently passed in Nigeria. I sometimes say that the most difficult thing I've ever had to do is be Nigerian. I embrace my heritage and I'm proud of our strong values and beautiful culture but sometimes it is just so embarrassing to be a citizen of this backwards country. At a time when the world is moving forward and growing, we choose to cling to archaic and barbaric beliefs and actually act on them. In a country that is so unstable and is faced with so many major issues, how is it that parliament saw it as a priority to pass anti-gay laws? I am so upset and disappointed. We complain about racism all the time and this is worse than racism. How do gay people pose a threat to society? What about embracing yourself and loving in the way you were born to do deserves a 14 year jail sentence? This law is evil and the problem with Nigeria has never been and will never be gay people. The problem with Nigeria is the illiterates in power who steal the resources of the country and have hearts as cold as ice. They think it is okay to hop on planes to Switzerland with a million dollars of their country's money in cash to deposit in their personal bank accounts without any consequences. They base their homophobic beliefs on the Bible but forget that the Bible exists when they steal and leave the nation that they lead to suffer in poverty. Who gives them the right to condemn people for choosing who to love? This is tragic. They say the success of a nation lies in how well it protects it's weakest. Nigerians; on this occasion, we are an epic failure.