April 16, 2014


Kingdomkingdom teered necklaceskate shoes

full skirtKingdom Tee, American Apparel Skirt, Mango Necklace, Miu Miu Shoes, River Island Coat

Casual clothing doesn't particularly excite me, you've probably gathered from reading my blog. It's not often that I find a t-shirt that I really like and because of that, my wardrobe suffers a serious deficit of stereotypical casual clothing. But this is one t-shirt that I can get behind.

Kingdom is a brand by the beautiful girls of the 4 Aces. As you know, I love when young people go out to do great things and start to build their own empire. I also love this in the gold. Their designs are so unique- also check out this and this. Every tee has a story and each collection is ingrained in an aspect of African culture. Not just your average t-shirt and pretty dope, in my opinion.

Photos by Sylwia

6 thoughts on “THY KINGDOM”

  1. Chuqqy says:

    Pretty!!love the high bun!:) I also love the 4aces!

  2. Melissafff says:

    Love the way u rocked this tee super chic

  3. Daniella says:

    You seriously know how to rock red! You look awesome my dear. I’m loving the tee and I am also loving the top knot hair style. 🙂

    Take care,
    Daniella xox

  4. Ginikachi Eloka says:

    Yesssssss I love them. Their tees are not the regular kind of. . . I love the way you wore it

  5. Now there is officially a lovely ‘grunge’ way of wearing the ‘kingdom’ tee.. Thanks.

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