Grey Tee, Black Leather Skirt (this is really hot too!), ASOS Check Oversized Coat, Office Single Strap Sandals (love them and they are on sale!, also in white here and black here)
I know that I shouldn't speak too soon but really, it looks like it might finally be spring, never to return to winter. I'm trying to find cute pieces to be my wardrobe staples this season. Single strap heeled sandals are a summer wardrobe necessity and they bring the chic factory to almost any outfit. I bought these blue sandals over a month ago and got the white also. When I was writing this post, I saw that both colours were half price. I've only worn both of them once- how annoying.
I'm so happy about this four day week! They always go by so quickly. At the beginning of next week, I'm off to a place that I've never been before- Los Angeles. I'm so excited! Please let me know if you have any tips or recommendations. It's a really short stay which means I'm going to be a jetlagged zombie the entire time but I'm determined to be as active as possible.