June 29, 2013

Graffiti Gold: The Writings On The Wall

We walked a lot in Barcelona. Whether it was chasing 'great local Tapas restaurants' or 'best clubs which play hip-hop', we followed Trip Advisor like it was our Bible. Sometimes, this worked to our advantage. Other times, massively against. Like when we wasted our time and money seeing the Casa Battlo.

Earlier in the day, Maya randomly said: 'I would love to see some really good graffiti while we are here!' It just so happened, purely by coincidence, that 2 hours later, we stumbled upon this stadium full of graffiti during a two hour walk in search of a particular restaurant. We were completely taken by surprise and so excited that we had to leave our mark. Shame that we only had a black pen on us. I wonder, what are the chances that next time I visit Barcelona, I can return here and find that our names are still on the walls?

Completely off topic- why does the previous paragraph have so many commas? I knew I should have taken English for A-Levels.

Uniqlo Men's Shirt, H&M Trousers (similar), Charles Philip Shanghai Loafers (love these), Topshop Sunglasses

3 thoughts on “Graffiti Gold: The Writings On The Wall”

  1. Melissa says:

    How cool is this

  2. Daniella says:

    Great photos, loving the Graffiti, it’s such a cool setting for these pictures! Love your trousers by the way 🙂

    Take care,
    Daniella xox

  3. Mo Ray says:

    I love how vibrant these pictures are! I do enjoy your blog posts 🙂

    Mo x

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